My daughter’s family has just flown over from Melbourne! That means the grandkids finally get to visit our new farm up in Northam. We’ve had it for a year now, and the house has finally been built. Time for us to show off the property.
My wife and I have been looking forward to this for weeks. We’ve been preparing for them to come since we found out. We’ve got lots of fun things for them to do. I even cut down a tree at the front of our property for the grandkids to paint, hopefully it’s nice enough to turn into the farm’s landmark!
We picked them up from Perth Airport about two hours ago, and got straight into the car as the kids were keen to go. We got as far as Midland when the car started making funny noises. Now, if it was just me I would’ve kept driving. But I’m not about to potentially risk the safety of my grandkids because I couldn’t be bothered stopping until Northam. Turns out there was a Midland car service company right near where we were, so I made a quick detour with the family so that we could get back on the road ASAP.
Turns out everything was all good, but better to be safe than sorry. We’re about to get back on the road so it’s time to sign off, I feel a lot better having had the car noises checked out. There’s no way I’m going to risk anything when I’ve got the kids under my responsibility.
I’m glad I stopped because I got the car air conditioning repair I had been putting off for a few months. With some stinking hot days on the horizon, the kids will be a lot more comfortable with the aircon blasting.
Now with the car serviced and the aircon working, it’s time to take the kids to the farm and introduce them to our new puppy – surprise!