A Thrilling Hallow’s Eve!

That was a wonderful Halloween! So jolly, so many jigs, and SO much spooking. I spooked until I collapsed in a pile of tired bones, oh-ho!!

I thought I’d commemorate the occasion by going to the spookiest place in all of Melbourne, which coincidentally also let me try out my newest costume: malnourished tradie. That’s just me in overalls and a hard hat. There’s a big DIY project going on at the Keymore Mansion, the spookiest building ever. And to keep going on Halloween night? That’s just asking for a good spooking, tee-hee!

So I did. My cover story was that of Randall Bones-McWilliam, a Melbourne expert air conditioning repair fellow. I was joining the project to help out with the air con installing side of things. No one seemed to notice anything as I infiltrated, which was good because I got properly distracted by their efforts at installing the air con. I know…Halloween night, I’m standing in the spookiest mansion ever, and I got distracted by the heating and cooling efforts. I guess I was surprised by what a huge job air conditioning installation is, what with all the walls opened up and so much piping being fed through. 

Of course, there was green slime weeping from the walls and I noticed that the tentacle monster in the basement was getting very antsy, so I got to work, pulling all sorts of pranks and spooky mischief. Silly things, like moving their tools while they weren’t looking and throwing my voice along the corridors, which I can do quite well now that I don’t have a voice box. The night came to a grand finale when I teamed up with the spooky girl in the red dress holding the red balloon and the oozing shadow monster to jump out at a bunch of people working on the electrical system, yelling “boo!”

Well, I yelled that. The shadow monster just gurgled and the little girl said some very violent and rude things, but we all have our own styles. Now that we’re friends, I accept that about them.

Best Halloween EVER, and I learned some interesting things about how evaporative cooling in Melbourne is done!

Thrilling. We must do Halloween again next week.
